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Nos publications 

Ci-dessous vous trouverez une liste de quelques unes de nos publications les plus récentes.


  1. Gianinazzi S, Schüepp H, Barea J M, Haselwander (Eds) (2002). Mycorrhizal Technology in Agriculture – from Genes to Bioproducts. Birkhäuser, XV 296p.

  2. Farmer MJ, Li X, Feng G, Zhao B, Chatagnier O, Gianinazzi S, Gianinazzi-Pearson V, van Tuinen D (2007). Molecular monitoring of field-inoculated AMF to evaluate persistence in sweet potato crops in China. Applied Soil Ecology Vol. 35: 599-609.

  3. Gianinazzi S, Gollotte A, Binet MN, van Tuinen D, Redecker D, Wipf D (2010). Agroecology : the key role of arbuscular mycorrhizas in ecosystem services. Mycorrhiza Vol. 20: 519-530.

  4. Meddad-Hamza A, Beddiar A, Gollotte A, Lemoine MC, Kuszala C, Gianinazzi S (2010). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve the growth of olive trees and their resistance to transplantation stress. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9: 1159-1167.

  5. Gianinazzi-Pearson V, Van Tuinen D, Wipf D, Dumas-Gaudot E, Recorbet G, Liu Y. Doidy J, Redecker D, Ferrol N (2012). Exploring the genome of Glomeromycota fungi. In Fungal Associations. The Mycota IX 2nd edition, Hock B (Ed). Springer-Verlag p.1-21.

  6. Andrianjaka-Camps Z, CarlenC, Susek A, Gianinazzi-Pearson V, Gianinazzi S, Sozzi T, Walters D, Batchvarova R, Kondakova V, Massardier P, Loisy J-L, Dieffenbach R, Tiradani L, Molan P, Gollotte A, Gianinazzi N (2016). QualiRedFruits: new agricultural practices fo quality production for red fruits enriched in healthy compounds. Acta Horticulturae Vol. 1117: 221-226. 

  7. Hao Z, Van Tuinen D, Wipf D, Fayolle L, Chataignier O, Li X, Chen B, Gianinazzi S, Gianinazzi-Pearson V, Adrian M, (2017). Biocontrol of grapevine aerial and root pathogens by Paenibacillus sp. Strain B2 and paenimyxin in vitro and in planta. Biological Control Vol. 109: 42-50.

  8. Ziane H, Meddad-Hamza A, Beddiar A, Gianinazzi S (2017).Effects of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and fertilization levels on industrial tomato growth and production. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology Vol. 19: 341-347.

  9. Rivera-Bercerril F, Van Tuinen D, Chataignier O, Rouard N, Béguet J, Kuszala C, Gianinazzi-Pearson V, Martin-Laurent F (2017). Impact of a pesticide cocktail (fenhexamid, folpel, deltamethrin) on the abundance of Glomeromycota in two agricultural soils. Science of the Total Environment Vol. 577: 84-83.

  10. Hamza N, Ziane H, Meddad-Hamza A, Gianinazzi S (2019). Mycorrhizal contribution to water economy in agriculture under hot and dry climate: the case study of water melon in Algeria. Bioscience Research Vol. 16: 3781-3791.

  11. Gianinazzi S (2021) L’immunité végétale, une fonction incontournable pour l’agriculture. A3 Magazine - Rayonnement du CNRS Vol. 76: 36-40.

  12. Selosse M-A, Gianinazzi-Pearson V (2021) Le microbiote symbiotique, clé de la santé végétale. A3 Magazine - Rayonnement du CNRS Vol. 76: 31-35.

  13. Turnau K, Lingua G, Gianinazzi S (2021) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as plant biostimulants. In Microbiome Stimulants for Crops, White J, Ajay K, Droby S (eds). Elsevier Inc p. 333-348. DOI:

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